Includes Traceability Lot Code Tracking for Transformations and Transfers
Automate Data Collection From Existing ERP/WMS
Provide necessary CTEs and KDEs
Download Formatted Spreadsheet
Easily Identify & Locate Implicated Product
Limit Exposure
Protect Your Brand Reputation
End-to-end FSMA 204 tracking with 1-Click
Capture Complex Transformational Events
Track Internal Product Transfers
Automatically track, and quickly report, simple to complex supply chain event
Whether it’s field-pack commodities, or products that go from field to pre-cool to value-added processing, co-mingling, re-labeling or other product transformation events, Inteligistics’ 1-Click FSMA 204 solution will automatically track CTEs and KDEs and allow you to instantly respond to FDA inquiries.
Intra-company and dock-to-dock transfers at the supplier, distributor and distribution center are also easily managed and tracked.
Simply enter a GTIN and Lot/Batch #, and instantly receive a formatted report that is fully compliant with FSMA 204 requirements
Easy and Cost-Effective
We work with your existing data so you don’t need to go through the cost or hassle to change your procurement, ERP, WMS or other data platforms.
If your systems don’t currently provide all the required information, our end-to-end InteliView platform is a low-cost means of collecting non-existing or manual data.
You’ll also lock in the low introductory price of $300 per facility for 5 years!
Protect Your Brand Reputation and Reduce Consumer Exposure
FDA allows each leg of the supply chain up to 24 hours to provide the required FSMA 204 CTE and KDE information. This means it can take up to five days to get all the required information and remove tainted or implicated product from distribution.
During this time, more people might become sick, and media attention will be heightened. With Inteligistics’ 1-click FSMA 204 reporting, you can provide all the required information from the grower to the retail store, including harvesting, cooling, processing, packing and transportation, in a matter of seconds.
Speeding removal of implicated products from distribution results in:
Turn FSMA 204 Compliance into Cost Savings and Profit.
FSMA 204 is facilitating the collection of a wealth of data that can be used far beyond simply complying with the regulation. This data can provide tremendous insights and help identify areas throughout internal operations and the supply chain to reduce costs and increase profits.
You’ll also lock in the low introductory price of $300 per facility for 5 years!
Can’t Wait, Contact Our Sales Team Today
Joseph R. Garcia
Director of Sales, Retail Supply Chain
(301) 673-6298
Lawrence Mallia
VP, Digital Transformation